RESEARCH SERVICES P.O. Box 23097, Albuquerque, NM 87192 Cell ( 9-5): 505-321-1034 (John) Fax (24/7): (call to schedule) By John Williams (lay pro se litigant (sui juris litigant), legal researcher, legal writer and publisher, and pro se (sui juris) lecturer) Click here => Legal Books & Manuals I wrote 2024 Catalog on 1G Flash Drive (only $39 (includes USA S/H)) |
![]() Disabled Vet John Williams |
![]() Subject line: "Legal research inquiry" CONSUMERTRONICS Popular Legal Books I wrote |
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![]() ![]() ... and please tell your family & friends! Virtually everyone needs quality legal information. |
Hello. Thanks for stopping by.
We live in an increasingly litigious society, much law is very complex, and
as judges will tell you, "ignorance of the law is no excuse" (a
ridiculous unfair government demand since legal research is sometimes complex,
time-consuming and hard-to-find, the government often relies on unpublished
case law decisions not available to ordinary people, and even the best attorneys
know only a small fraction of the law off the top of their heads). Often,
one needs legal information to intelligently make a major decision. And if one
is prosecuted, sued or expects to sue or be sued, one especially needs legal
information - extra especially if one is going to be a pro se / pro per / sui
juris litigant. Legal information is critical even if you have or expect to
have an attorney. Just as it can be very stupid to bring your car to a mechanic
without at least a fundamental understanding of what the specific problem probably
is, it is often even more stupid to walk into an attorney's office without adequate
information relating to your case, causes of action, procedures, etc. With the
bad mechanic, about the worse you can lose is your car. With the bad attorney,
the worse you can lose is virtually all of your money, your property, your freedom
or even your life in some cases! The truth is, in general, attorneys are not
regarded by the public as being competent, honest, and hard working. Some charge
astronomical prices for doing minimal, sloppy and reckless work. Others have
a secret agenda designed to work only in their favor and possibly at your expense,
to favor his/her judge/attorney friends and wealthiest clients. A bad attorney
can irreparably damage or destroy you if you don't act to stop it at the start.
And you can only do that by being particularly vigilant and informed when it
comes to attorneys.
In my decades of living in New Mexico, I've had the bad misfortune to have dealt with about a dozen New Mexico civil law attorneys (until I smartened up and trained myself as a pro se litigant) - all of which except one I believe were incompetent, corrupt, malicious, greedy, lazy and/or secretly served the other party at my expense. The fact is, in this day and age, you are expected to know the law, and if don't know the law, you are an easy victim for the many legal predators and parasites who do know it well enough to abuse the law to rip you off. For example, any New Mexico prosecutor can "justify" bringing felony charges against about anyone he/she dislikes (If you are unfamiliar with the apparently out-of-control legal system here in New Mexico, consider this: A draft dodger New Mexico Attorney General prosecuted/persecuted a man, his family and his business simply because the man is a Disabled Veteran - even viciously interrogated him about his honorable service-connected disabilities - also apparently persecuted others because they are female or Indian - even apparently squandered AG resources to persecute a 15-year old Clovis boy falsely accused of stealing $1.49 package of beef jerky! You, too, could be such a victim here in New Mexico - any time, any where a corrupt or malicious NM prosecutor decides to attack you!).
Studying the law does not automatically make you an attorney - no more than studying your car's repair manual makes you a mechanic. But it should make you much better able to protect yourself from corrupt, greedy, incompetent and malicious people - including (and some say especially) some of New Mexico's judges and attorneys. It should be able to help you avoid the many tricks and traps that legal predators in New Mexico use to get you and your loved ones into trouble, keep you/them there, and maximize your/their costs and expenses. Or you may be interested in my legal research services to try to determine to your personal satisfaction whether or not some past legal decision of interest to you was properly rendered based on the facts and the law of the case - whether or not a fair and full measure of justice was actually served - whether or not more can or could have been done to result in a more fair and just outcome.
My legal research services are ideal for pro se (sui juris) litigants, attorneys, judges, paralegals, law clerks, attorney clients, and all students of the law from day 1 (to moot court, if a law school student).
WHY SHOULD I PAY ANYONE TO DO LEGAL RESEARCH FOR ME WHEN I CAN GET IT FREE OFF THE NET?: Certainly, the Internet is a great source for information. However, it is also a greatly overrated source for legal information. While the Internet is modestly strong on statutes, regulations and case law, it is very weak in many important and even critical areas of the law, for examples, causes of action, damages, liabilities, procedures, shepardizing case law, immunities, statutes of limitation, law of voids, choice of law, notice, service, law of agency, venue, removals, estoppel, and many more. And if you don't know what something is called - or are even unaware that it exists - how can you look it up anywhere? For examples, do you know what the "Feres Doctrine" is? The "Rooker Feldman Doctrine" of jurisdiction? What a "Qui Tam" lawsuit is? Clearly, attorneys don't subscribe to expensive and exclusive Online legal research databases, such as Westlaw, and use law libraries and other special resources, if they could simply look up everything on the public Internet for free.
WHO ARE YOU?: My name is John Williams, MSEE. I am an electrical engineer, writer, publisher and computer programmer. I am also a highly experienced lay pro se (sui juris) litigant both at the Federal District Court and 10th Circuit Court of Appeals levels (litigating in the Federal Courts is generally much more difficult than litigating in State Courts), a prolific pro se law researcher, writer and publisher, a pro se law lecturer, and an active member of a pro se club in Albuquerque. My lecturing included a pro se law lecture I delivered at the June 8, 2002, Libertarian Party Convention (Santa Fe, NM). My pro se writings are extensive, and include publications on suing the U.S. Government, legal citations to prevent dismissals, Civil RICO, legal case preparations and the initial steps, unpublished and secret law, and polygraph defeats. For descriptions of my legal books, click on => Please feel free to order as many of my legal books as you need. In fact, I strongly recommend that you order at least one of them before you consider hiring me to do legal research for you so that you can see for yourself my level of legal expertise. Please note that I am NOT a licensed attorney or paralegal. I am therefore NOT beholden to any judicial or attorney clique, bribery or kickback scheme. I am very frank, and if I work for YOU, I will provide you legal information as best, frank, concise, complete, accurate and unbiased as I reasonably can, and written as best as I can in commonly understood English or Spanish.
YOU DO FOR ME?: I can provide any legal service for you that is
permitted by law, permitted by a court of competent jurisdiction, or provided
to you under the supervision of an attorney in compliance with the Rules of
Professional Conduct. I can provide you:
(1) Relatively
very, very low cost quality legal research for you, in which I research one
or more legal topics for you, and provide to you a legal research report based
upon my lay legal research (consider how extremely costly it
is for you to have lawyers do this type of legal research. Even with the huge
hourly fees many lawyers charge, many have non-lawyers in their offices do
the actual legal research, and then they reveal to their clients only those
findings (often verbally only) they wish to spoon-feed to their clients for
their own selfish reasons. Just compare our costs and the service).
(2) My personal
lay opinion on any subject you ask me, including legal and political issues
and personalities.
(3) Provide you
lay anecdotal accounts of what others have historically done or what was done
to them when faced with a similar legal situation as that familiar to you,
and what were their end results (this of course is no guarantee
as to how any other situation will turn out).
(4) Serve for
you as a mediator, arbitrator, conciliator, or facilitator in any capacity
that does not require a legal license, any other special license or would
violate the law.
(5) For an extra
fee, I can have translated for you my legal research report into SPANISH.
NEUTRAL LEGAL RESEARCH: Another big advantage in having me do legal research for you is that I typically take a neutral position in my legal research. In other words, if my legal research findings support your view or understanding of the law, that's fine. However, if my findings don't support your view or understanding of the law, they too will be in my report. In short, my legal research will produce a sobering view of what the law actually is that you have me research for you - not what you might think it is or wish it to be based on common sense, fairness, logic or your own biases (the law sometimes is not fair or logical and does not make common sense!). However, if you or your attorneys do the legal research instead, because you will likely have a stake in what the findings may show, you/your attorneys are likely to consciously or unconsciously slant or bias the legal research findings to neatly fit into particularly favorable legal arguments, often resulting in a major costly shock or surprise when the other side jumps through the holes of your/your attorneys slanted or biased legal research findings.
Furthermore, my legal research for you
not divulge your identity, or any part of my legal research results that personally
identifies you, to anyone unless and until you make our relationship public,
you provide me a clear and explicit OK to divulge my legal research for you,
my legal research for you results in a dispute between us, or I am required
by law to divulge my legal research for you. However, unless we explicitly
agree to the contrary in writing, if all or parts of my legal research results
do not personally identify you, I reserve the right to freely use any and
all non-identifying parts of my legal research results in any other legal
research, publication, lecture, interview, translation, or other type of publication
without paying you or anyone else any fee, royalty or other compensation.
Furthermore, if it appears to me that any part of my legal research results
for you will not personally identify you, I reserve the right to assign all
or part of these non-identifying parts to other experienced pro se (sui juris) litigants,
paralegals, attorneys and non-active judges of my choice to research for me
(at no additional cost to you).
expect to do a very good job for you so that not only will you come back to
me for your future business, but you will also spread the word about how good
I am at providing you this important consumer service.
YOU NOT DO FOR ME?: Unless and until otherwise permitted by the
law, a court of competent jurisdiction or under the supervision of an attorney
within the Rules of Professional Conduct, I can NOT provide you and do NOT
intend to provide you any of these services:
(1) Legal advice,
opinion or counseling relevant to the legal rights or responsibilities of
any person (any statement I make herein, in any written or verbal
statement or document, in any legal research report or anywhere else that
might sound like or be misinterpreted as legal advice or counseling or the
offering of legal advice or counseling is to be strictly regarded as my lay
personal opinion. You (and/or your attorney) (at your own expense) should
be able to verify statements I make in my legal research report, and you (as
a pro se / sui juris, whichever name you prefer) or your attorney can then
decide which statements (e.g. citations, causes of action, arguments, remedies,
etc) you or he/she should apply to your own case (if you are involved in a
case). While you are of course free to put whatever weight on anything I state
that you wish (I assume no liability), no legal services from me that requires
licensing as an attorney is intended or provided no matter what wording I
used or didn't use).
(2) Represent
any person in front of any adjudicative body, or negotiate on the behalf of
any person any legal rights or responsibilities, including, but not limited
to, filing documents, or conducting discovery (I can serve as
a mediator, arbitrator, conciliator, or facilitator in any capacity that does
not require a law license or any other special license and does not violate
the law; and I/you/your attorney can certainly ask a judge for permission
for me to sit at the table with you in court, administrative body, discovery,
settlement discussions, etc.).
(3) Select, provide,
draft, complete, submit, edit or proofread for you any form, agreement or
other legal document, or court submission that affects the legal rights or
responsibilities of any person (NOTE: Any legal research report
COURT OF LAW OR OTHER LEGAL PROCEEDING - but to try to educate you on
legal topics of interest to you. Again, if you are a pro se (sui juris) litigant or have
an attorney, verify to your or his/her satisfaction (at your expense) which
statements in my legal research report that may be helpful to your case, then
decide for yourself.
(4) Provide any
legal research services to any person who is not a New Mexico resident living
in New Mexico. Furthermore, I will not accept a legal research assignment
in which I have a reasonable conflict of interest with, or a strong bias against
(e.g. child pornography, drug dealer, hate crime defendant)
because I serve you best in a reasonably neutral capacity. Furthermore, I
reserve the right to at any time refuse to do a legal research or to suspend
or stop doing legal research without any liability to me or to anyone associated
with me, or be required to state any reason. Furthermore, I refuse to do any
legal research for anyone who will use all or any part of our contract or
legal research results on the behalf of or at the behest of any government,
quasi-government (e.g. BBB) or bar association entity in any current or anticipated
legal action by them.
YOUR REPORT FORMAT AND RATES?: Unless otherwise explicitly contracted
for to the contrary, I provide you the results of my legal research as a double-spaced,
1" margins, computer-printed legal research report, in black ink on 20
wt standard size white bond paper, text body 10 - 12 points. In addition,
I will provide you a 3-1/2" PC-formatted disk or a CDROM with a text
or Acrobat (pdf file, printing implemented) version
of my legal research report on it for you to more easily search my report.
Legal research reports that are over 5 pages long are soft-cover bound and
include a cover page. I will also include a Table of Contents page if the
report body is over 20 pages long.
hourly rates are much cheaper than those of many attorneys. My hourly rates
for any legal research depends on my perceived difficulty of the topic and
the required level of detail in my legal research report. My current standard
hourly rates start at $19/hr, and for complex topics, may be as high as $49/hr
(based on 15-minute increments; future rates may change without
notice unless locked into contract). In some cases, if the researched
legal issue is of a particular interest to me and/or my client is impoverished
(e.g. human rights, civil rights, veterans issues, qui tam,
etc.), I will seriously consider reducing my hourly rates, perhaps
even to $0/hr. When you email me with the legal topic you want me to research
for you, should I be able to accept your proposed legal research assignment,
I will then provide you a clearly stated hourly rates, and an estimated amount
of time in hours, and time in days (based on an 8-hour work day
and obligations scheduled ahead of or between your project) it will
take for me to complete my legal research.
If you require
my legal research results faster than my days estimate, this means that I
must queue you in, work overtime and/or assign non-identifying part of your
research to others, to meet your schedule, for such an extraordinary effort,
I charge 1.25 to 5.0 times my normal hourly rates, depending on how much overtime,
disruption, and-or subcontracting is required to provide you my legal research
on your accelerated basis, $50 total minimum. If overtime or disruption is
anticipated prior to contract, I will let you know when I estimate my hourly
rates for your legal research. While I do not charge a hourly rates for meal
break or travel time to and from legal resources and my home, I do also charge
the quoted hourly rates to make status and final reports to you, and to discuss
issues related to my legal research for you during or after my research period.
While I do not charge any hourly rates based on my travel time, if travel
to and from legal resources is required, I do charge $2 per mile for this
travel, $9 minimum per round trip (unless you live outside of
Albuquerque, no travel outside of Albuquerque is ever anticipated, however,
in the rare event that such travel becomes necessary, I will notify you in
advance of these expected commutes and their mileage charges prior to commuting
outside of Albuquerque for my legal research for you, and you may cancel this
travel if you wish at no liability to me). For Spanish translation
of my legal research, there is an additional fee of $20 per page, $50 minimum
(Note: Spanish translation is done without any liability to me,
the Spanish / English translator or anyone or business associated with me
or the translator).
If you are concerned
about accumulating too many hourly charges, you may contract for a maximum
amount of hourly rate dollars you wish to spend on my legal research for you
your maximum amount explicitly and in writing, and your specified maximum
amount is not less than 125% of the total hourly dollar amount you have already
accrued due to my legal research for you at the time I receive your notification.
Upon such notification, I will bring my legal research for you to a close,
including generating the legal research report, to within -5% to +5% of your
maximum specified hourly rate amount to try to obtain an optimum stopping
point. And again, mileage and/or Spanish translation charges, if any, are
in addition to my hourly rates charges, and all of those services already
performed for my legal research for you must be paid for in full. If
you are worried about the cost effectiveness of my legal research services,
then contract me for a relatively small job, and then decide whether or not
you want to contract me for larger jobs after evaluating my performance.
I require 1/3rd
of my total estimate to be paid by you up front before I commence any work,
and the remaining 2/3rd balance must be paid prior to me providing you my
legal research report. All payments must be made by Postal Money Order, Money
Transfer Service (MTS) - I accept no other type of check, money order, credit
or debit card or PayPal. The person contracting with me for this service is
the person 100% responsible for paying for my legal research services. If
that person is a minor (this website is forbidden to all persons
under age 13) or otherwise requires legal guardianship, then that person's
legal guardian is 100% responsible for contracting for and paying for this
service. NOTE: My legal research is provided 'as is'
and all of my charges are 100% nonrefundable under any condition - regardless
of my findings, length, depth, completeness, relevance, accuracy, timeliness
or format of my legal research report - just as long as I can provide you
a legal research report based on the legal topics you paid me in full to research
for you. If you cancel or I stop my legal research at any time prior to me
completing it, your total hourly charges will be based solely on the ACTUAL
HOURS I used up to that point, and if you wish to pay the additional 1-6 hours
to generate my written report, I will also do my reasonable best to provide
you a complete printed and formatted report based on the information I had
derived prior to legal research termination, else there will be no written
report. The total you will be required to pay before I'll provide you
my research report will be based on the total amount of hours I ACTUALLY spent
doing my legal research for you multiplied by the contracted for hourly rates
(plus any and all mileage charges based on actual commutes to
do the legal research, and Spanish translation charges if you required translation)
- whether or not the total hours actually spent are more or less than the
estimated hours (I will refund any overpayment).
Should you want
changed, increased or reduced legal research, that change must be in writing
and mutually approved by both us, then greater or lesser hourly-rate based
and possibly mileage and/or Spanish translation charges may result. And any
substantial change in the complexity of my legal research for you will bring
about a decrease or increase in the hourly rates, of which I will notify you
in writing of any such hourly rates change should any occur. At any time that
the actual number of hours I have put into my legal research for you exceeds
the estimated total by more than 105% and I am less than an estimated 95%
complete of my legal research, I will readjust the estimated number of hours
to the new estimated figure, you must promptly pay me the difference between
the new 1/3rd figure and the old 1/3rd figure for me to continue my legal
research, and if such payment is not received within 5 work days (M-F,
excluding national holidays), I will suspend work on your legal research
until you make the payment.
I CONTACT YOU FOR YOUR SERVICES?: Now that you are convinced, please
contact me for doing a legal research for you. Your initial contact must be
made either by First Class Mail, email, or Fax (all addresses are above).
Both addresses and Fax # are at the top of this page. Please do not phone
me or personally contact me (phone and/or personal contact with
me may later be permitted within limits, and only if and after we have mutually
agreed to). Your letter or fax must be signed and dated. If by email,
in your Subject Line, place: "Legal research
services inquiry." That's all you have to do to get the ball rolling.
Your initial contact must include all of the following:
(1) Your accurate
and verifiable name, mailing address, phone number, and email address and
Fax # (if you have a Fax or email address). I will not
address any questions or concerns without this information.
(2) A clear,
complete, accurate and frank description of the legal research you want me
to do for you as to topic, depth of legal research, type of jurisdiction (NM
Federal, State or Municipality), your scheduling, and whether or not
you will require Spanish translation. Again,
I am not a licensed attorney so I cannot provide legal advice or express a
legal opinion, so please don't frame your legal topic into something that
sounds like I am to provide you legal advice or legal opinion. For example,
"Do I have a good case?" or "Should I sue ..." or "Should
I name XYZ in my lawsuit?" or "Should I file a motion ..."
are not acceptable, while, "What New Mexico legal cases are there relevant
to ..." or "Compile and summarize for me Federal cases that ..."
or "Research for me the law on ..." are usually OK. If you use the
term, "advice," "advise," "opinion," "suggest,"
"recommend" or similar, you must precede it with "personal
lay" (e.g. "What is your personal lay opinion on ..."
is usually OK).
(3) Any questions
or concerns not adequately or clearly enough addressed herein or in our policies
webpage (policies.htm) that
you want cleared up before contracting with me. You must also clearly state
that you have read this webpage, you clearly understand it, and you 100% agree
to comply with all of its provisions before I can provide you any estimates.
Should I be interested
in doing this legal research for you and can reasonably schedule you in, I
will then email, write and/or fax you what my hourly rates will be for your
particular legal research project, and the estimated total amount of hours
I will need to complete it, the estimated miles I will probably have to travel
to and from legal resources, and the estimated total time in hours and days
for the job. My legal research will be based 100% on your WRITTEN description.
Nothing said verbally by you or by me will be the subject of any legal research
unless it is also clearly and explicitly mutually agreed upon in WRITING and
before I render my estimate. Should you then fully and explicitly agree on
my estimated hourly rates, time and day estimates, and applicable policies,
you then email/mail/fax me your agreement. At that point, I will draw up a
formal contract for you to sign, mail it to you, and commence my legal research
upon receipt of your signed and dated contract by First Class Mail with your
1/3rd nonrefundable downpayment. NOTE: Nothing stated or implied herein is
to be construed as an offer of any form of licensed attorney service, employment,
partnership, joint venture or any other business relationship between us other
than you simply contracting with me for me to do a specific and defined legal
research for you on one or more specifically described and mutually agreed
upon legal topics. Nor anything stated herein requires that we at any time
personally meet; any personal meeting between us at any time is strictly mutually
voluntary (while I usually don't meet with clients who are one-time
clients or who require simple-to-moderate legal research, I do usually prefer
to meet with clients who I do substantial or frequent work for and I feel
comfortable with meeting).
Thank you for your time and attention. The best of successes. Please respond.
- John Williams
NOTE: All applicable policies for this offer are governed by our policies stated at plus all of the additional terms and conditions stated herein.
A-B: The "against lawsuits." The "age discrimination lawsuits." The "agent orange lawsuits." The "Albuquerque legal research services." The "Albuquerque law school students." The "Albuquerque law school tutors." The "Albuquerque law school tutoring services." The "Albuquerque, NM legal research services." The "Albuquerque, NM law school students." The "Albuquerque, NM law school tutors." The "Albuquerque, NM law school tutoring services." The "appellate courts." The "asset protection." The "being sued." The "Bernalillo County legal research services." The "Bernalillo County, NM legal research services." The "black farmer lawsuit." The "breach of implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing."
C: The "case law." The "cause of action." The "causes of action." The "civil lawsuits." The "Civil RICO." The "civil rights." The "civil rights action." The "civil rights actions." The "civil rights arguments." The "civil rights case." The "civil rights cases." The "civil rights cause of action." The "civil rights causes of action." The "civil rights defenses." The "civil rights elements of proof." The "civil rights injury." The "civil rights lawsuit." The "civil rights lawsuits." The "civil rights legal action." The "civil rights legal actions." The "civil rights legal research services." The "civil rights legal theory." The "civil rights legal theories." The "civil rights theories." The "civil rights tort." The "civil rights torts." The "class action lawsuits." The "clear and convincing proof." The "collection agency lawsuits." The "compensatory damages." The "contractor suing." The "copyright lawsuits." The "corrupt attorney." The "corrupt attorneys." The "corrupt judge." The "corrupt judges." The "corrupt lawyer." The "corrupt lawyers." The "court appearance." The "Court of Appeals."
D-E: The "declaratory relief." The "debt collector lawsuits." The "defamation of character lawsuits." The "default judgment." The "discretion of the court." The "discrimination lawsuits." The "District Court." The "distict courts." The "do it yourself law." The "dog bite lawsuits." The "elements of proof." The "employee lawsuits." The "equitable remedy."
F: The "Federal Court." The "federal courts." The "federal government lawsuits." The "federal torts claim act." The "file a lawsuit." The "filed against me." The "filed against us." The "filed lawsuit." The "filed lawsuits." The "filing a lawsuit." The "filing lawsuits." The "fraud action." The "fraud actions." The "fraud arguments." The "fraud case." The "fraud cases." The "fraud cause of action." The "fraud causes of action." The "fraud defenses." The "fraud elements of proof." The "fraud injury." The "fraud lawsuit." The "fraud lawsuits." The "fraud legal action." The "fraud legal actions." The "fraud legal research services." The "fraud legal theory." The "fraud legal theories." The "fraud theories." The "fraud tort." The "fraud torts." The "frivolous lawsuits." The "FTCA claim." The "FTCA lawsuits."
G-H: The "greedy attorney." The "greedy judge." The "greedy lawyer."
I-K: The "incompetent attorney." The "incompetent judge." The "incompetent lawyer." The "infliction of." The "injunctive relief." The "insurance lawsuits." The "jury nullification."
L: The "law of voids." The "lawsuit against." The "lawsuit filed against." The "lawsuit dismissals." The "lawsuit file sharing." The "lawsuit for slander." The "lawsuit funding." The "lawsuit settlement." The "lawsuit tactics." The "lawyer suing." The "lazy attorney." The "lazy judge." The "lazy lawyer." The "legal answer." The "legal answers." The "legal argument." The "legal arguments." The "legal case law." The "legal citation." The "legal citations." The "legal cite." The "legal cites." The "legal disclaimer." The "legal disclaimers." The "legal filing system." The "legal jurisdiction." The "legal information." The "legal liability." The "legal remedy." The "legal research services." The "legal research services of Alamogordo." The "legal research services of Alamogordo, NM." The "legal research services of Bernalillo County." The "legal research services of Bernalillo County, NM." The "legal research services of New Mexico." The "legal self representation." The "legal strategies." The "legal strategy." The "legal tactic." The "legal tactics." The "legal theory." The "legal theories." The "legal tutorials."
M: The "magistrate court." The "malicious attorney." The "malicious judge." The "malicious lawyer." The "malicious prosecution." The "malicious prosecutors." The "malpractice lawsuits." The "medical lawsuits." The "medical malpractice lawsuits." The "mental anguish." The "mental anguish action." The "mental anguish actions." The "mental anguish arguments." The "mental anguish case." The "mental anguish cases." The "mental anguish cause of action." The "mental anguish causes of action." The "mental anguish defenses." The "mental anguish elements of proof." The "mental anguish injury." The "mental anguish lawsuit." The "mental anguish lawsuits." The "mental anguish legal action." The "mental anguish legal actions." The "mental anguish legal research services." The "mental anguish legal theory." The "mental anguish legal theories." The "mental anguish theories." The "mental anguish tort." The "mental anguish torts." The "metro court." The "metropolitan court." The "misrepresentation action." The "misrepresentation actions." The "misrepresentation arguments." The "misrepresentation case." The "misrepresentation cases." The "misrepresentation cause of action." The "misrepresentation causes of action." The "misrepresentation defenses." The "misrepresentation elements of proof." The "misrepresentation injury." The "misrepresentation lawsuit." The "misrepresentation lawsuits." The "misrepresentation legal action." The "misrepresentation legal actions." The "misrepresentation legal research services." The "misrepresentation legal theory." The "misrepresentation legal theories." The "misrepresentation theories." The "misrepresentation tort." The "misrepresentation torts." The "monetary relief."
N-R: The "negligence action." The "negligence actions." The "negligence arguments." The "negligence case." The "negligence cases." The "negligence cause of action." The "negligence causes of action." The "negligence defenses." The "negligence elements of proof." The "negligence injury." The "negligence lawsuit." The "negligence lawsuits." The "negligence legal action." The "negligence legal actions." The "negligence legal research services." The "negligence legal theory." The "negligence legal theories." The "negligence theories." The "negligence tort." The "negligence torts." The "negligent injury." The "New Mexico legal research services." The "New Mexico law school students." The "New Mexico law school tutors." The "New Mexico law school tutoring services." The "outrageous lawsuits." The "personal injury lawsuits." The "personal injury suing." The "preponderance of the evidence." The "pro bono representation." The "pro se law." The "pro se lawsuits." The "pro se legal." The "pro se litigants." The "probate court." The "product liability lawsuits." The "proof beyond." The "punitive damages." The "reasonable doubt." The "ridiculous lawsuits." The "rule of law."
S-T: The "secret agenda attorney." The "secret agenda judge." The "secret agenda lawyer." The "secret law." The "secret laws." The "securities fraud lawsuits." The "selective prosecution." The "self representation." The "self representation in court." The "sexual harassment lawsuits." The "SLAPP lawsuits." The "small claims court." The "special projects." The "standards of proof." The "strategic lawsuit against public participation." The "stupid lawsuits." The "suing contractors." The "suing debt collectors." The "suing a hospital." The "suing an attorney." The "suing an employer." The "suing collection agencies." The "suing a corporation." The "suing for civil rights." The "suing for defamation of character. The "suing for false arrest." The "suing for human rights." The "suing for slander." The "suing government." The "suing insurance company." The "suing judges." The "suing the federal government." The "suing the government." The "suing a lawyer." The "Supreme Court." The "supreme courts."
U-Z: The "Uniform Commercial Code." The "University of New Mexico law school students." The "University of New Mexico law school tutors." The "University of New Mexico law school tutoring services." The "University of New Mexico legal research." The "UNM law school students." The "UNM law school tutors." The "UNM law school tutoring services." The "UNM legal research." The "unpublished law." The "wrongful death." The "wrongful termination lawsuits."
Accidents: The "accident action." The "accident actions." The "accident arguments." The "accident case." The "accident cases." The "accident cause of action." The "accident causes of action." The "accident defenses." The "accident elements of proof." The "accident injury." The "accident lawsuit." The "accident lawsuits." The "accident legal action." The "accident legal actions." The "accident legal research services." The "accident legal theory." The "accident legal theories." The "accident theories." The "accident tort." The "accident torts." The "accident violation." The "accident violations."
Accused of : The "accusations of." The "accused of accident." The "accused of accidental." The "accused of age." The "accused of bankruptcy." The "accused of breach of contract." The "accused of breach of fiduciary duties." The "accused of child custody." The "accused of civil rights." The "accused of conspiracy." The "accused of constitutional rights." The "accused of deceit." The "accused of deceptive advertising." The "accused of defamation." The "accused of defective product." The "accused of denial of service." The "accused of disability." The "accused of discrimination." The "accused of divorce." The "accused of ethnic." The "accused of false advertisment." The "accused of false arrest." The "accused of false imprisonment." The "accused of fear of future disease." The "accused of fraud." The "accused of gender." The "accused of harassment." The "accused of hate crimes." The "accused of human rights." The "accused of identity theft." The "accused of immigration." The "accused of infliction of." The "accused of infringement of intellectual property." The "accused of intentional infliction of." The "accused of invasion of privacy." The "accused of involuntary conversion." The "accused of involuntary servitude." The "accused of intimidation." The "accused of libel." The "accused of liability." The "accused of loss of consortium." The "accused of malice." The "accused of malicious." The "accused of malpractice." The "accused of medical malpractice." The "accused of mental anguish." The "accused of misleading advertisement." The "accused of negligence." The "accused of pain and suffering." The "accused of personal injury." The "accused of political asylum." The "accused of psychological trauma." The "accused of qui tam." The "accused of racial." The "accused of racketeering." The "accused of reckless endangerment." The "accused of religious." The "accused of RICO." The "accused of rights." The "accused of sexual." The "accused of speeding accident." The "accused of stalking." The "accused of tax evasion." The "accused of traffic accident." The "accused of trespass." The "accused of unfair debt collection practices." The "accused of unfair trade practices." The "accused of unjust enrichment." The "accused of wrongful death." The "accused of wrongful interference." The "accused of wrongful termination."
Administrative - Asset: The "administrative duties." The "against dismissals." The "against lawsuits." The "age bias." The "age bigotry." The "age discrimination lawsuits." The "age harassment lawsuits." The "age intolerance." The "age action." The "age actions." The "age arguments." The "age case." The "age cases." The "age cause of action." The "age causes of action." The "age defenses." The "age elements of proof." The "age injury." The "age lawsuit." The "age lawsuits." The "age legal action." The "age legal actions." The "age legal research services." The "age legal theory." The "age legal theories." The "age theories." The "age tort." The "age torts." The "agent orange lawsuits." The "alienation of affections lawsuit." The "allegations of." The "Americans with Disabilities Act." The "appealed decisions." The "appellate courts." The "asset protection."
Bankrupt to - Black: The "bankrupt business." The "bankrupt corporation." The "bankrupt person." The "bankruptcy case." The "bankruptcy laws." The "bankruptcy litigation." The "bankruptcy petition." The "banruptcy procedures." The "beat the lie detector." The "being sued." The "beyond a reasonable doubt standard." The "Bill of Rights." The "Bivens lawsuit." The "Black farmer lawsuit."
Breach of Contract: The "breach of contract action." The "breach of contract actions." The "breach of contract arguments." The "breach of contract case." The "breach of contract cases." The "breach of contract cause of action." The "breach of contract causes of action." The "breach of contract defenses." The "breach of contract elements of proof." The "breach of contract injury." The "breach of contract lawsuit." The "breach of contract lawsuits." The "breach of contract legal action." The "breach of contract legal actions." The "breach of contract legal research services." The "breach of contract legal theory." The "breach of contract legal theories." The "breach of contract theories." The "breach of contract tort." The "breach of contract torts." The "breach of fiduciary duties lawsuits." The "bribed judges." The "bribing judges."
Cause of Action: The "case law decisions." The "cause of action." The "causes of action."
Child Custody : The "child custody." The "child custody action." The "child custody actions." The "child custody arguments." The "child custody case." The "child custody cases." The "child custody cause of action." The "child custody causes of action." The "child custody defenses." The "child custody elements of proof." The "child custody hearings." The "child custody injury." The "child custody lawsuit." The "child custody lawsuits." The "child custody legal action." The "child custody legal actions." The "child custody legal research services." The "child custody legal theory." The "child custody legal theories." The "child custody theories." The "child custody tort." The "child custody torts." The "child pornography lawsuits."
Citations - Civil RICO: The "citations against dismissals." The "citations to prevent dismissals." The "civil case." The "civil lawsuit." The "civil lawsuits." The "civil procedures." The "Civil RICO."
Civil Rights: The "civil rights action." The "civil rights actions." The "civil rights arguments." The "civil rights case." The "civil rights cases." The "civil rights cause of action." The "civil rights causes of action." The "civil rights defenses." The "civil rights elements of proof." The "civil rights injury." The "civil rights lawsuit." The "civil rights lawsuits." The "civil rights legal action." The "civil rights legal actions." The "civil rights legal research services." The "civil rights legal theory." The "civil rights legal theories." The "civil rights theories." The "civil rights tort." The "civil rights torts." The "civil rights violation." The "civil rights violations."
Class Action - Conspiracy: The "class action lawsuits." The "clear and convincing proof standard." The "collection agency lawsuits." The "common law." The "compensatory damages." The "conspiracy action." The "conspiracy actions." The "conspiracy arguments." The "conspiracy case." The "conspiracy cases." The "conspiracy cause of action." The "conspiracy causes of action." The "conspiracy charges." The "conspiracy defenses." The "conspiracy elements of proof." The "conspiracy injury." The "conspiracy lawsuit." The "conspiracy lawsuits." The "conspiracy legal action." The "conspiracy legal actions." The "conspiracy legal research services." The "conspiracy legal theory." The "conspiracy legal theories." The "conspiracy prosecution." The "conspiracy theories." The "conspiracy tort." The "conspiracy torts."
Constitutional Rights: The "constitutional rights." The "constitutional rights action." The "constitutional rights actions." The "constitutional rights arguments." The "constitutional rights case." The "constitutional rights cases." The "constitutional rights cause of action." The "constitutional rights causes of action." The "constitutional rights defenses." The "constitutional rights elements of proof." The "constitutional rights injury." The "constitutional rights lawsuit." The "constitutional rights lawsuits." The "constitutional rights legal action." The "constitutional rights legal actions." The "constitutional rights legal research services." The "constitutional rights legal theory." The "constitutional rights legal theories." The "constitutional rights theories." The "constitutional rights tort." The "constitutional rights torts." The "constitutional rights violation." The "constitutional rights violations."
Contractors - Copyrights: The "contractor lawsuits." The "contractor suing." The "copyright infringement." The "copyright lawsuits."
Corrupt: The "corrupt attorney." The "corrupt attorneys." The "corrupt court." The "corrupt courts." The "corrupt judge." The "corrupt judges." The "corrupt judical system." The "corrupt legal system." The "corrupt prosecution." The "corrupt prosecutions." The "corrupt prosecutor." The "corrupt prosecutors." The "corrupt and malicious attorney." The "corrupt and malicous attorneys." The "corrupt and malicious court." The "corrupt and malicous courts." The "corrupt and malicious judge." The "corrupt and malicious judges." The "corrupt and malicious judical system." The "corrupt and malicious legal system." The "corrupt and malicious prosecution." The "corrupt and malicious prosecutions." The "corrupt and malicious prosecutor." The "corrupt and malicious prosecutors." The "corrupt and incompetent attorney." The "corrupt and incompetent attorneys." The "corrupt and incompetent court." The "corrupt and incompetent courts." The "corrupt and incompetent judge." The "corrupt and incompetent judges." The "corrupt and incompetent judical system." The "corrupt and incompetent legal system." The "corrupt and incompetent prosecution." The "corrupt and incompetent prosecutions." The "corrupt and incompetent prosecutor." The "corrupt and incompetent prosecutors." The "corrupt, incompetent and malicious." The "corrupt, malicious and incompetent."
Court - Criminal: The "court appearance." The "Court of Appeals." The "court clerks." The "Court Rules." The "Criminal RICO."
Damages - Declaration of Independence: The "damage award." The "damage awards." The "damages awarded." The "damages awards." The "declaratory relief." The "debt collector lawsuits." The "deceptive advertisement lawsuits." The "deceptive trade practices." The "Declaration of Independence."
Defamation: The "defamation of character." The "defamation of character action." The "defamation of character actions." The "defamation of character arguments." The "defamation of character case." The "defamation of character cases." The "defamation of character cause of action." The "defamation of character causes of action." The "defamation of character defenses." The "defamation of character elements of proof." The "defamation of character injury." The "defamation of character lawsuit." The "defamation of character lawsuits." The "defamation of character legal action." The "defamation of character legal actions." The "defamation of character legal research services." The "defamation of character legal theory." The "defamation of character legal theories." The "defamation of character theories." The "defamation of character tort." The "defamation of character torts." The "defamation action." The "defamation actions." The "defamation arguments." The "defamation case." The "defamation cases." The "defamation cause of action." The "defamation causes of action." The "defamation defenses." The "defamation elements of proof." The "defamation injury." The "defamation lawsuit." The "defamation lawsuits." The "defamation legal action." The "defamation legal actions." The "defamation legal research services." The "defamation legal theory." The "defamation legal theories." The "defamation theories." The "defamation tort." The "defamation torts." The "default judgment."
Defective Product: The "defective product."The "defective product action." The "defective product actions." The "defective product arguments." The "defective product case." The "defective product cases." The "defective product cause of action." The "defective product causes of action." The "defective product defenses." The "defective product elements of proof." The "defective product injury." The "defective product lawsuit." The "defective product lawsuits." The "defective product legal action." The "defective product legal actions." The "defective product legal research services." The "defective product legal theory." The "defective product legal theories." The "defective product theories." The "defective product tort." The "defective product torts.
Defend Against: The "defend against accident." The "defend against accidental." The "defend against age." The "defend against allegations of." The "defend against bankruptcy." The "defend against breach of contract." The "defend against breach of fiduciary duties." The "defend against child custody." The "defend against civil rights." The "defend against conspiracy." The "defend against constitutional rights." The "defend against deceit." The "defend against deceptive advertising." The "defend against defamation." The "defend against defective product." The "defend against denial of service." The "defend against disability." The "defend against discrimination." The "defend against divorce." The "defend against ethnic." The "defend against false advertisment." The "defend against false arrest." The "defend against false imprisonment." The "defend against fear of future disease." The "defend against fraud." The "defend against gender." The "defend against harassment." The "defend against hate crimes." The "defend against human rights." The "defend against identity theft." The "defend against immigration." The "defend against infliction of." The "defend against infringement of intellectual property." The "defend against intentional infliction of." The "defend against invasion of privacy." The "defend against involuntary conversion." The "defend against involuntary servitude." The "defend against intimidation." The "defend against libel." The "defend against liability." The "defend against loss of consortium." The "defend against malice." The "defend against malicious." The "defend against malpractice." The "defend against medical malpractice." The "defend against mental anguish." The "defend against misleading advertisement." The "defend against negligence." The "defend against pain and suffering." The "defend against personal injury." The "defend against political asylum." The "defend against psychological trauma." The "defend against qui tam." The "defend against racial." The "defend against racketeering." The "defend against reckless endangerment." The "defend against religious." The "defend against RICO." The "defend against rights." The "defend against sexual." The "defend against speeding ticket." The "defend against stalking." The "defend against tax evasion." The "defend against traffic accident." The "defend against trespass." The "defend against unfair debt collection practices." The "defend against unfair trade practices." The "defend against unjust enrichment." The "defend against wrongful death." The "defend against wrongful interference." The "defend against wrongful termination."
Defense Against - Defenses Against: The "defenses against accident." The "defenses against accidental." The "defenses against age." The "defenses against bankruptcy." The "defenses against breach of contract." The "defenses against breach of fiduciary duties." The "defenses against child custody." The "defenses against civil rights." The "defenses against conspiracy." The "defenses against constitutional rights." The "defenses against deceit." The "defenses against deceptive advertising." The "defenses against defamation." The "defenses against defective product." The "defenses against denial of service." The "defenses against disability." The "defenses against discrimination." The "defenses against divorce." The "defenses against ethnic." The "defenses against false advertisment." The "defenses against false arrest." The "defenses against false imprisonment." The "defenses against fear of future disease." The "defenses against fraud." The "defenses against gender." The "defenses against harassment." The "defenses against hate crimes." The "defenses against human rights." The "defenses against identity theft." The "defenses against immigration." The "defenses against infliction of." The "defenses against infringement of intellectual property." The "defenses against intentional infliction of." The "defenses against invasion of privacy." The "defenses against involuntary conversion." The "defenses against involuntary servitude." The "defenses against intimidation." The "defenses against libel." The "defenses against liability." The "defenses against loss of consortium." The "defenses against malice." The "defenses against malicious." The "defenses against malpractice." The "defenses against medical malpractice." The "defenses against mental anguish." The "defenses against misleading advertisement." The "defenses against negligence." The "defenses against pain and suffering." The "defenses against personal injury." The "defenses against political asylum." The "defenses against psychological trauma." The "defenses against qui tam." The "defenses against racial." The "defenses against racketeering." The "defenses against reckless endangerment." The "defenses against religious." The "defenses against RICO." The "defenses against rights." The "defenses against sexual." The "defenses against speeding ticket." The "defenses against stalking." The "defenses against tax evasion." The "defenses against traffic accident." The "defenses against trespass." The "defenses against unfair debt collection practices." The "defenses against unfair trade practices." The "defenses against unjust enrichment." The "defenses against wrongful death." The "defenses against wrongful interference." The "defenses against wrongful termination."
Demurrer - Denial of Service: The "demurrer pleading." The "denial of service action." The "denial of service actions." The "denial of service arguments." The "denial of service attack." The "denial of service case." The "denial of service cases." The "denial of service cause of action." The "denial of service causes of action." The "denial of service defenses." The "denial of service elements of proof." The "denial of service injury." The "denial of service lawsuit." The "denial of service lawsuits." The "denial of service legal action." The "denial of service legal actions." The "denial of service legal research services." The "denial of service legal theory." The "denial of service legal theories." The "denial of service theories." The "denial of service tort." The "denial of service torts."
Disability - Disabled: The "diminished quality of life lawsuits." The "disability bias." The "disability bigotry." The "disability discrimination lawsuits." The "disability harassment lawsuits." The "disability intolerance." The "disability action." The "disability actions." The "disability arguments." The "disability case." The "disability cases." The "disability cause of action." The "disability causes of action." The "disability defenses." The "disability elements of proof." The "disability injury." The "disability lawsuit." The "disability lawsuits." The "disability legal action." The "disability legal actions." The "disability legal research services." The "disability legal theory." The "disability legal theories." The "disability theories." The "disability tort." The "disability torts." The "disabled veterans." The "disabled veteran bigotry." The "disabled veteran discrimination lawsuits." The "disabled veteran harassment lawsuits." The "disabled veteran intolerance." The "disabled veteran lawsuits."
Discretion: The "discretion of the court." The "decision of the judge." The "discovery rules." The "discretion of judges." The "discretionary duties."
Discrimination: The "discrimination action." The "discrimination actions." The "discrimination arguments." The "discrimination case." The "discrimination cases." The "discrimination cause of action." The "discrimination causes of action." The "discrimination defenses." The "discrimination elements of proof." The "discrimination injury." The "discrimination lawsuit." The "discrimination lawsuits." The "discrimination legal action." The "discrimination legal actions." The "discrimination legal research services." The "discrimination legal theory." The "discrimination legal theories." The "discrimination theories." The "discrimination tort." The "discrimination torts."
District Courts : The "District Court." The "distict courts."
Divorce: The "divorce action." The "divorce actions." The "divorce arguments." The "divorce case." The "divorce cases." The "divorce cause of action." The "divorce causes of action." The "divorce defenses." The "divorce elements of proof." The "divorce injury." The "divorce lawsuit." The "divorce lawsuits." The "divorce legal action." The "divorce legal actions." The "divorce legal research services." The "divorce legal theory." The "divorce legal theories." The "divorce theories." The "divorce tort." The "divorce torts."
Do-It-Yourself - Drugs: The "do-it-yourself law." The "dog bite lawsuits." The "drug possession."
Email - Equitable: The "email spam lawsuits." The "email spamming." The "emotional distress." The "elements of proof." The "employee lawsuits." The "equitable relief." The "equitable remedy."
Ethnic - Ethnicity: The "ethnic bigotry." The "ethnic discrimination lawsuits." The "ethnic harassment lawsuits." The "ethnic intolerance." The "ethnic offenses." The "ethnicity action." The "ethnicity actions." The "ethnicity arguments." The "ethnicity case." The "ethnicity cases." The "ethnicity cause of action." The "ethnicity causes of action." The "ethnicity defenses." The "ethnicity elements of proof." The "ethnicity injury." The "ethnicity lawsuit." The "ethnicity lawsuits." The "ethnicity legal action." The "ethnicity legal actions." The "ethnicity legal research services." The "ethnicity legal theory." The "ethnicity legal theories." The "ethnicity theories." The "ethnicity tort." The "ethnicity torts." The "evidence rules."
Failure to State a Claim - False Advertising: The "failure to state a claim in which relief can be granted." The "false advertising." The "false advertising action." The "false advertising actions." The "false advertising arguments." The "false advertising case." The "false advertising cases." The "false advertising cause of action." The "false advertising causes of action." The "false advertising defenses." The "false advertising elements of proof." The "false advertising injury." The "false advertising lawsuit." The "false advertising lawsuits." The "false advertising legal action." The "false advertising legal actions." The "false advertising legal research services." The "false advertising legal theory." The "false advertising legal theories." The "false advertising theories." The "false advertising tort." The "false advertising torts."
False Arrest - Fear of: The "false arrest lawsuits." The "false arrest legal actions." The "false imprisonment lawsuits." The "false imprisonment legal actions." The "family court." The "family courts." The "fear of future disease." The "fax spam lawsuits." The "fax spamming." The "fear of future disease lawsuits." The "fear of future injury lawsuits."
Federal: The "federal agents." The "federal agency." The "federal agencies." The "federal appeals." The "federal appeals procedures." The "federal appeals process." The "federal appellee." The "federal appellant." The "federal civil lawsuits." The "Federal Civil RICO." The "Federal Court." The "Federal Court of Appeals." The "federal courts." The "Federal Criminal RICO." The "federal defendant." The "Federal District Court." The "federal government lawsuits." The "federal lawsuits." The "federal litigant." The "federal litigants." The "federal litigation." The "federal officials." The "federal plaintiff." The "federal pro se litigant." The "federal pro se litigants." The "federal pro se litigation." The "federal pro per litigant." The "federal pro per litigants." The "federal pro per litigation." The "federal sui juris litigant." The "federal sui juris litigants." The "federal sui juris litigation." The "Federal Torts Claim Act."
File - Freedom of Information Act: The "file a lawsuit." The "file lawsuits." The "file a legal action." The "filed against me." The "filed against us." The "filed cases." The "filed lawsuit." The "filed legal action." The "filing lawsuits." The "filing my lawsuit." The "filing a lawsuit." The "filing a false claim." The "filing a legal action." The "filing cases." The "filing my case." The "filing lawsuits." The "Freedom of Information Act."
Fraud: The "fraud action." The "fraud actions." The "fraud arguments." The "fraud case." The "fraud cases." The "fraud cause of action." The "fraud causes of action." The "fraud defenses." The "fraud elements of proof." The "fraud injury." The "fraud lawsuit." The "fraud lawsuits." The "fraud legal action." The "fraud legal actions." The "fraud legal research services." The "fraud legal theory." The "fraud legal theories." The "fraud theories." The "fraud tort." The "fraud torts." The "frivolous lawsuits." The "FTCA claim." The "FTCA lawsuits." The "FTCA litigation."
Gender: The "gender bias." The "gender bigotry." The "gender discrimination lawsuits." The "gender harassment lawsuits." The "gender intolerance." The "gender action." The "gender actions." The "gender arguments." The "gender case." The "gender cases." The "gender cause of action." The "gender causes of action." The "gender defenses." The "gender elements of proof." The "gender injury." The "gender lawsuit." The "gender lawsuits." The "gender legal action." The "gender legal actions." The "gender legal research services." The "gender legal theory." The "gender legal theories." The "gender theories." The "gender tort." The "gender torts." The "government lawsuits." The "guardian ad litum."
Government: The "government action." The "government actions." The "government arguments." The "government case." The "government cases." The "government cause of action." The "government causes of action." The "government defenses." The "government elements of proof." The "government injury." The "government lawsuit." The "government lawsuits." The "government legal action." The "government legal actions." The "government legal research services." The "government legal theory." The "government legal theories." The "government theories." The "government tort." The "government torts."
Harassment: The "harassment action." The "harassment actions." The "harassment arguments." The "harassment case." The "harassment cases." The "harassment cause of action." The "harassment causes of action." The "harassment defenses." The "harassment elements of proof." The "harassment injury." The "harassment lawsuit." The "harassment lawsuits." The "harassment legal action." The "harassment legal actions." The "harassment legal research services." The "harassment legal theory." The "harassment legal theories." The "harassment theories." The "harassment tort." The "harassment torts."
Hate Crime: The "hate crimes." The "hate crime action." The "hate crime actions." The "hate crime arguments." The "hate crime case." The "hate crime cases." The "hate crime cause of action." The "hate crime causes of action." The "hate crime charges." The "hate crime defenses." The "hate crime elements of proof." The "hate crime injury." The "hate crime lawsuit." The "hate crime lawsuits." The "hate crime legal action." The "hate crime legal actions." The "hate crime legal research services." The "hate crime legal theory." The "hate crime legal theories." The "hate crime prosecution." The "hate crime theories." The "hate crime tort." The "hate crime torts."
How to: The "how to file a legal case." The "how to file a lawsuit." The "how to file a civil lawsuit." The "how to file lawsuits." The "how to file a legal action." The "how to file legal actions." The "how to file a pro se lawsuit." The "how to file a pro per lawsuit." The "how to file a sui juris lawsuit." The "how to get a case dismissted." The "how to get case dismissed." The "how to reverse a dismissal." The "how judges are bribed." The "how to prevent dismissal." The "how to prove allegations." The "how to prove causes of action." The "how to prove liability." The "how to prove your case." The "how to win a federal lawsuit." The "how to win federal lawsuits." The "how to win a lawsuit." The "how to win lawsuits."
Human Rights: The "human rights action." The "human rights actions." The "human rights arguments." The "human rights case." The "human rights cases." The "human rights cause of action." The "human rights causes of action." The "human rights defenses." The "human rights elements of proof." The "human rights injury." The "human rights lawsuit." The "human rights lawsuits." The "human rights legal action." The "human rights legal actions." The "human rights legal research services." The "human rights legal theory." The "human rights legal theories." The "human rights theories." The "human rights tort." The "human rights torts." The "human rights violation." The "human rights violations."
I am - I want: The "I am being sued." The "I am suing." The "I need legal help fast." The "I want to sue."
Identity Theft : The "identity theft." The "identity theft action." The "identity theft actions." The "identity theft arguments." The "identity theft case." The "identity theft cases." The "identity theft cause of action." The "identity theft causes of action." The "identity theft defenses." The "identity theft elements of proof." The "identity theft injury." The "identity theft lawsuit." The "identity theft lawsuits." The "identity theft legal action." The "identity theft legal actions." The "identity theft legal research services." The "identity theft legal theory." The "identity theft legal theories." The "identity theft theories." The "identity theft tort." The "identity theft torts."
Immigration: The "immigration action." The "immigration actions." The "immigration arguments." The "immigration case." The "immigration cases." The "immigration cause of action." The "immigration causes of action." The "immigration defenses." The "immigration elements of proof." The "immigration injury." The "immigration lawsuit." The "immigration lawsuits." The "immigration legal action." The "immigration legal actions." The "immigration legal research services." The "immigration legal theory." The "immigration legal theories." The "immigration theories." The "immigration tort." The "immigration torts."
Incompetent: The "incompetent attorney." The "incompetent attorneys." The "incompetent court." The "incompetent courts." The "incompetent judge." The "incompetent judges." The "incompetent judical system." The "incompetent jury." The "incompetent legal system." The "incompetent prosecution." The "incompetent prosecutions." The "incompetent prosecutor." The "incompetent prosecutors." The "incompetent and corrupt attorney." The "incompetent and corrupt attorneys." The "incompetent and corrupt court." The "incompetent and corrupt courts." The "incompetent and corrupt judge." The "incompetent and corrupt judges." The "incompetent and corrupt judical system." The "incompetent and corrupt legal system." The "incompetent and corrupt prosecution." The "incompetent and corrupt prosecutions." The "incompetent and corrupt prosecutor." The "incompetent and corrupt prosecutors." The "incompetent and malicious attorney." The "incompetent and malicious attorneys." The "incompetent and malicious court." The "incompetent and malicious courts." The "incompetent and malicious judge." The "incompetent and malicious judges." The "incompetent and malicious judical system." The "incompetent and malicious legal system." The "incompetent and malicious prosecution." The "incompetent and malicious prosecutions." The "incompetent and malicious prosecutor." The "incompetent and malicious prosecutors." The "incompetent, malicious and corrupt." The "incompetent, corrupt and malicious."
Infliction of - Intimidation: The "infliction of disease lawsuits." The "infliction of mental anguish lawsuits." The "infliction of pain and suffering lawsuits." The "infringement of copyright lawsuits." The "infringement of intellectual property lawsuits." The "infringement of patent lawsuits." The "infringement of trademark lawsuits." The "infringement of trade secrets lawsuits." The "initial legal steps. The "injunctive relief." The "injunctive remedy." The "injury to professional standing lawsuits." The "insanity argument." The "insanity arguments." The "insanity defense." The "insurance fraud lawlsuits." The "insurance frauds." The "insurance lawsuits." The "intellectual property infringement lawsuits." The "intentional infliction of emotional distress lawsuits." The "intentional interference with a privilege lawsuits." The "intentional interference with a reasonable expectation lawsuits." The "intentional interference with a right lawsuits." The "intentional interference with a family relationship lawsuits." The "intentional interference with a protected relationship lawsuits." The "intentional interference with a special relationship lawsuits." The "internet fraud lawsuits." The "internet frauds." The "interrogating civilian detainees." The "interrogating detainees." The "interrogating prisoners." The "interrogating suspects." The "intimidation lawsuits."
Invasion of Privacy: The "invasion of privacy action." The "invasion of privacy actions." The "invasion of privacy arguments." The "invasion of privacy case." The "invasion of privacy cases." The "invasion of privacy cause of action." The "invasion of privacy causes of action." The "invasion of privacy defenses." The "invasion of privacy elements of proof." The "invasion of privacy injury." The "invasion of privacy lawsuit." The "invasion of privacy lawsuits." The "invasion of privacy legal action." The "invasion of privacy legal actions." The "invasion of privacy legal research services." The "invasion of privacy legal theory." The "invasion of privacy legal theories." The "invasion of privacy theories." The "invasion of privacy tort." The "invasion of privacy torts." The "involuntary conversion lawsuits." The "involuntary servitude lawsuits."
Judicial - Justifiable: The "judicial corruption." The "judicial decisions." The "judicial incompetence." The "judicial malpractive." The "judges and law clerks." The "judge bribing." The "judge bribery." The "jury nullification." The "justifiable homicide."
Law - Lawyer: The "law books." The "law clerks." The "law of jurisdiction." The "law of venue." The "law of voids." The "law school students." The "law school tutors." The "law school tutoring services." The "law tutorials." The "lawsuit against." The "lawsuits against." The "lawsuit filed against." The "lawsuits filed against." The "lawsuit against employer." The "lawsuit dismissals." The "lawsuit file sharing." The "lawsuit for slander." The "lawsuit funding." The "lawsuit settlement." The "lawsuit tactics." The "lawyer suing."
Legal: The "legal action." The "legal actions." The "legal answers." The "legal arguments." The "legal case law." The "legal cheating." The "legal cheats." The "legal citations." The "legal cites." The "legal claims." The "legal consultants." The "legal consulting." The "legal decisions." The "legal disclaimers." The "legal files." The "legal filing system." The "legal jurisdiction." The "legal information." The "legal liability." The "legal liability action." The "legal liability actions." The "legal liability arguments." The "legal liability case." The "legal liability cases." The "legal liability cause of action." The "legal liability causes of action." The "legal liability defenses." The "legal liability elements of proof." The "legal liability injury." The "legal liability lawsuit." The "legal liability lawsuits." The "legal liability legal action." The "legal liability legal actions." The "legal liability legal research services." The "legal liability legal theory." The "legal liability legal theories." The "legal liability theories." The "legal liability tort." The "legal liability torts." The "legal malpractice." The "legal maneuver." The "legal negligence." The "legal precedent." The "legal precedences." The "legally raped." The "legal remedy." The "legal remedies." The "legal research." The "legal research services." The "legal researcher." The "legal researchers." The "legal researching." The "legal self-representation." The "legal strategies." The "legal strategy." The "legal tactic." The "legal tactics." The "legal theory." The "legal theories." The "legal tips." The "legal trespass." The "legal tricks." The "legal tutorials." The "legal vortex."
Libel: The "libel action." The "libel actions." The "libel arguments." The "libel case." The "libel cases." The "libel cause of action." The "libel causes of action." The "libel defenses." The "libel elements of proof." The "libel injury." The "libel lawsuit." The "libel lawsuits." The "libel legal action." The "libel legal actions." The "libel legal research services." The "libel legal theory." The "libel legal theories." The "libel theories." The "libel tort." The "libel torts."
Local Court Rules - Loss of Respect: The "Local Court Rules." The "loss of consortium." The "loss of dignity." The "loss of efficiency." The "loss of enjoyment of life." The "loss of honor." The "loss of professional standing."The "loss of respect."
Magistrate - Mail Fraud: The "magistrate court." The "magistrate courts." The "Magna Carta." The "mail fraud lawsuits." The "mail frauds."
Malicious: The "malicious attorney." The "malicious attorneys." The "malicious court." The "malicious courts." The "malicious judge." The "malicious judges." The "malicious judical system." The "malicious legal system." The "malicious prosecution." The "malicious prosecutions." The "malicious prosecutor." The "malicious prosecutors." The "malicious and corrupt attorney." The "malicious and corrupt attorneys." The "malicious and corrupt court." The "malicious and corrupt courts." The "malicious and corrupt judge." The "malicious and corrupt judges." The "malicious and corrupt judical system." The "malicious and corrupt legal system." The "malicious and corrupt prosecution." The "malicious and corrupt prosecutions." The "malicious and corrupt prosecutor." The "malicious and corrupt prosecutors." The "malicious and incompetent attorney." The "malicious and incompetent attorneys." The "malicious and incompetent court." The "malicious and incompetent courts." The "malicious and incompetent judge." The "malicious and incompetent judges." The "malicious and incompetent judical system." The "malicious and incompetent legal system." The "malicious and incompetent prosecution." The "malicious and incompetent prosecutions." The "malicious and incompetent prosecutor." The "malicious and incompetent prosecutors." The "malicious, incompetent and corrupt." The "malicious, corrupt and incompetent."
Malpractice: The "malpractice action." The "malpractice actions." The "malpractice arguments." The "malpractice case." The "malpractice cases." The "malpractice cause of action." The "malpractice causes of action." The "malpractice defenses." The "malpractice elements of proof." The "malpractice injury." The "malpractice lawsuit." The "malpractice lawsuits." The "malpractice legal action." The "malpractice legal actions." The "malpractice legal research services." The "malpractice legal theory." The "malpractice legal theories." The "malpractice theories." The "malpractice tort." The "malpractice torts."
Medical: The "medical lawsuits." The "medical malpractice." The "medical malpractice action." The "medical malpractice actions." The "medical malpractice arguments." The "medical malpractice case." The "medical malpractice cases." The "medical malpractice cause of action." The "medical malpractice causes of action." The "medical malpractice defenses." The "medical malpractice elements of proof." The "medical malpractice injury." The "medical malpractice lawsuit." The "medical malpractice lawsuits." The "medical malpractice legal action." The "medical malpractice legal actions." The "medical malpractice legal research services." The "medical malpractice legal theory." The "medical malpractice legal theories." The "medical malpractice theories." The "medical malpractice tort." The "medical malpractice torts."
Mental Anguish - Outrageous: The "mental anguish lawsuits." The "metro court." The "metro courts." The "metropolitan court." The "metropolitan courts." The "ministerial duties." The "Miranda Rights." The "misleading advertisement lawsuits." The "monetary relief." The "motion against dismissal." The "motion to dismiss." The "motion for estoppel." The "motion for mistrial." The "my legal research for you." The "nullfied jury." The "online fraud lawsuits." The "online frauds." The "outrageous action." The "outrageous conduct lawsuits." The "outrageous lawsuits."
Pain and Suffering: The "pain and suffering." The "pain and suffering actions." The "pain and suffering arguments." The "pain and suffering case." The "pain and suffering cases." The "pain and suffering cause of action." The "pain and suffering causes of action." The "pain and suffering defenses." The "pain and suffering elements of proof." The "pain and suffering injury." The "pain and suffering lawsuit." The "pain and suffering lawsuits." The "pain and suffering legal action." The "pain and suffering legal actions." The "pain and suffering legal research services." The "pain and suffering legal theory." The "pain and suffering legal theories." The "pain and suffering theories." The "pain and suffering tort." The "pain and suffering torts."
Pass - Patient: The "pass a lie detector." The "pass lie detector." The "pass a polygraph." The "pass polygraph." The "passing polygraph." The "passing lie detector." The "passing polygraph." The "patent infringement." The "patient rights lawsuits."
Personal Injury : The "personal injury." The "personal injuries." The "personal injury action." The "personal injury actions." The "personal injury arguments." The "personal injury case." The "personal injury cases." The "personal injury cause of action." The "personal injury causes of action." The "personal injury defenses." The "personal injury elements of proof." The "personal injury injury." The "personal injury lawsuit." The "personal injury lawsuits." The "personal injury legal action." The "personal injury legal actions." The "personal injury legal research services." The "personal injury legal theory." The "personal injury legal theories." The "personal injury theories." The "personal injury tort." The "personal injury torts."
Personal Trespass - Political Asylum: The "personal trespass." The "pleading the Fifth Amendment." The "pleading insanity." The "pleading strategy." The "pleading tactics." The "police radar guns." The "political asylum lawsuits."
Polygraphs: The "poly graph." The "polygraph accuracy." The "polygraph exam. The "polygraph countermeasures." The "polygraph defeats." The "polygraph information." The "polygraph investigation." The "polygraph lie detector." The "polygraph machines." The "polygraph passing." The "polygraph questions." The "polygraph reliability." The "polygraph secrets." The "polygraph sting."The "polygraph techniques." The "polygraph test accuracy." The "polygraph test reliability." The "polygraph tests." The "polygraph testing."
Preponderance of Evidence - Pro Bono: The "preponderance of the evidence standard." The "prevent dismissals." The "prisoner interrogations." The "prisoner torture." The "prisoner torturing." The "pro bono lawsuits." The "pro bono representation."
Pro Per - Pro Se: The "pro per actions." The "pro per cases." The "pro per case law." The "pro per citations." The "pro per civil law." The "pro per civil lawsuits." The "pro per civil legal." The "pro per civil litigants." The "pro per civil litigation." The "pro per law." The "pro per lawsuits." The "pro per legal." The "pro per litigants." The "pro per litigation." The "pro per strategies." The "pro per tactics." The "pro per techniques." The "pro per tips." The "pro se actions." The "pro se cases." The "pro se case law." The "pro se citations." The "pro se civil law." The "pro se civil lawsuits." The "pro se civil legal." The "pro se civil litigants." The "pro se civil litigation." The "pro se law." The "pro se lawsuits." The "pro se legal." The "pro se litigants." The "pro se litigation." The "pro se strategies." The "pro se tactics." The "pro se techniques." The "pro se tips."
Probate Court - Punitive Damages: The "probate court." The procedural rules." The "product liability lawsuits." The "professional standing." The "proof beyond." The "proof elements." The "property trespass." The "prosecuted for." The "prosecution for." The "prove liability." The "proving liability." The "psychological trauma lawsuits." The "punitive damages."
Quality - Qui Tam: The "quality defense." The "quality representation." The "qui tam." The "qui tam action." The "qui tam actions." The "qui tam arguments." The "qui tam case." The "qui tam cases." The "qui tam cause of action." The "qui tam causes of action." The "qui tam defenses." The "qui tam elements of proof." The "qui tam injury." The "qui tam lawsuit." The "qui tam lawsuits." The "qui tam legal action." The "qui tam legal actions." The "qui tam legal research services." The "qui tam legal theory." The "qui tam legal theories." The "qui tam theories." The "qui tam tort." The "qui tam torts." The "qui tam violation." The "qui tam violations."
Racial: The "racial bias." The "racial bigotry." The "racial discrimination lawsuits." The "racial harassment lawsuits." The "racial intolerance." The "racial offenses." The "racial action." The "racial actions." The "racial arguments." The "racial case." The "racial cases." The "racial cause of action." The "racial causes of action." The "racial defenses." The "racial elements of proof." The "racial injury." The "racial lawsuit." The "racial lawsuits." The "racial legal action." The "racial legal actions." The "racial legal research services." The "racial legal theory." The "racial legal theories." The "racial theories." The "racial tort." The "racial torts."
Racketeering - Real Estate: The "racketeering action." The "racketeering actions." The "racketeering arguments." The "racketeering case." The "racketeering cases." The "racketeering cause of action." The "racketeering causes of action." The "racketeering charges." The "racketeering defenses." The "racketeering elements of proof." The "racketeering injury." The "racketeering lawsuit." The "racketeering lawsuits." The "racketeering legal action." The "racketeering legal actions." The "racketeering legal research services." The "racketeering legal theory." The "racketeering legal theories." The "racketeering prosecution." The "racketeering theories." The "racketeering tort." The "racketeering torts." The "real estate actions." The "real estate disputes." The "real estate lawsuits."
Reasonable Doubt - Reckless Endangerment: The "reasonable doubt standard." The "reckless endangerment." The "reckless endangerment actions." The "reckless endangerment arguments." The "reckless endangerment case." The "reckless endangerment cases." The "reckless endangerment cause of action." The "reckless endangerment causes of action." The "reckless endangerment defenses." The "reckless endangerment elements of proof." The "reckless endangerment injury." The "reckless endangerment lawsuit." The "reckless endangerment lawsuits." The "reckless endangerment legal action." The "reckless endangerment legal actions." The "reckless endangerment legal research services." The "reckless endangerment legal theory." The "reckless endangerment legal theories." The "reckless endangerment theories." The "reckless endangerment tort." The "reckless endangerment torts." The "reckless infliction of emotional distress."
Religious: The "religious bias." The "religious bigotry." The "religious discrimination lawsuits." The "religious harassment lawsuits." The "religious intolerance." The "religious offenses." The "religious action." The "religious actions." The "religious arguments." The "religious case." The "religious cases." The "religious cause of action." The "religious causes of action." The "religious defenses." The "religious elements of proof." The "religious injury." The "religious lawsuit." The "religious lawsuits." The "religious legal action." The "religious legal actions." The "religious legal research services." The "religious legal theory." The "religious legal theories." The "religious theories." The "religious tort." The "religious torts."
RICO: The "RICO action." The "RICO actions." The "RICO arguments." The "RICO case." The "RICO cases." The "RICO charges." The "RICO damages." The "RICO defenses." The "RICO elements of proof." The "RICO lawsuit." The "RICO lawsuits." The "RICO legal action." The "RICO legal actions." The "RICO legal research services." The "RICO legal theory." The "RICO legal theories." The "RICO prosecution." The "RICO theories." The "RICO treble damages." The "ridiculous lawsuits." The "rules and regulations." The "Rules of Discovery." The "Rules of Evidence." The "Rules of Procedure." The "rule of law."
Scope - Self-Representation: The "scope of authority." The "scope of duty." The "secret law." The "secret laws." The "secret and unpublished law." The "securities fraud lawsuits." The "selective prosecution." The "self defense argument." The "self-help law." The "self-representation." The "self-representation in court."
Sexual: The "sexual bias." The "sexual bigotry." The "sexual intolerance." The "sexual offenses." The "sexual discrimination." The "sexual discrimination action." The "sexual discrimination actions." The "sexual discrimination arguments." The "sexual discrimination case." The "sexual discrimination cases." The "sexual discrimination cause of action." The "sexual discrimination causes of action." The "sexual discrimination defenses." The "sexual discrimination elements of proof." The "sexual discrimination injury." The "sexual discrimination lawsuit." The "sexual discrimination lawsuits." The "sexual discrimination legal action." The "sexual discrimination legal actions." The "sexual discrimination legal research services." The "sexual discrimination legal theory." The "sexual discrimination legal theories." The "sexual discrimination theories." The "sexual discrimination tort." The "sexual discrimination torts." The "sexual harassment." The "sexual harassment actions." The "sexual harassment arguments." The "sexual harassment case." The "sexual harassment cases." The "sexual harassment cause of action." The "sexual harassment causes of action." The "sexual harassment defenses." The "sexual harassment elements of proof." The "sexual harassment injury." The "sexual harassment lawsuit." The "sexual harassment lawsuits." The "sexual harassment legal action." The "sexual harassment legal actions." The "sexual harassment legal research services." The "sexual harassment legal theory." The "sexual harassment legal theories." The "sexual harassment theories." The "sexual harassment tort." The "sexual harassment torts." The "sexual misconduct lawsuits." The "sexual orientation bias." The "sexual orientation bigotry." The "sexual orientation discrimination lawsuits." The "sexual orientation harassment lawsuits." The "sexual orientation intolerance."
Slander: The "slander action." The "slander actions." The "slander arguments." The "slander case." The "slander cases." The "slander cause of action." The "slander causes of action." The "slander defenses." The "slander elements of proof." The "slander injury." The "slander lawsuit." The "slander lawsuits." The "slander legal action." The "slander legal actions." The "slander legal research services." The "slander legal theory." The "slander legal theories." The "slander theories." The "slander tort." The "slander torts."
SLAPP: The "SLAPP action." The "SLAPP actions." The "SLAPP arguments." The "SLAPP case." The "SLAPP cases." The "SLAPP cause of action." The "SLAPP causes of action." The "SLAPP defenses." The "SLAPP elements of proof." The "SLAPP injury." The "SLAPP lawsuit." The "SLAPP lawsuits." The "SLAPP legal action." The "SLAPP legal actions." The "SLAPP legal research services." The "SLAPP legal theory." The "SLAPP legal theories." The "SLAPP theories." The "SLAPP tort." The "SLAPP torts."
Small Claims Court - Speeding: The "small claims court." The "small claims courts." The "special projects research." The "special projects services." The "speeding accident lawsuits." The "speeding accidents." The "speeding offenses." The "speeding tickets." The "speeding violations."
Stalking: The "stalking action." The "stalking actions." The "stalking arguments." The "stalking case." The "stalking cases." The "stalking cause of action." The "stalking causes of action." The "stalking defenses." The "stalking elements of proof." The "stalking injury." The "stalking lawsuit." The "stalking lawsuits." The "stalking legal action." The "stalking legal actions." The "stalking legal research services." The "stalking legal theory." The "stalking legal theories." The "stalking theories." The "stalking tort." The "stalking torts."
Standards of Proof - Stupid Lawsuits: The "standards of proof." The "statute of limitation." The "statutes of limitation." The "strategic lawsuit against public participation." The "student of the law." The "stupid lawsuits."
Sue: The "sue an attorney." The "sue a business." The "sue a collection agency." The "sue a credit card company." The "sue a debt collection agency." The "sue a contractor." The "sue a corporation." The "sue a doctor." The "sue an employer." The "sue the federal government." The "sue a federal official." The "sue the government." The "sue a hospital." The "sue an individual." The "sue an insurance company." The "sue a judge." The "sue a lawyer." The "sue a prosecutor." The "sue the U.S. Government."
Sued By: The "sued by an attorney." The "sued by a bank." The "sued by a business." The "sued by a collection agency." The "sued by a contractor." The "sued by a corporation." The "sued by a credit card company." The "sued by a doctor." The "sued by a financial instituion." The "sued by a hospital." The "sued by an individual." The "sued by an insurance company." The "sued by a lawyer." The "sued by a person." The "sued by the government."
Sued For: The "sued for accident." The "sued for accidental." The "sued for age." The "sued for bankruptcy." The "sued for breach of contract." The "sued for breach of fiduciary duties." The "sued for child custody." The "sued for civil rights." The "sued for conspiracy." The "sued for constitutional rights." The "sued for deceit." The "sued for deceptive advertising." The "sued for defamation." The "sued for defective product." The "sued for denial of service." The "sued for disability." The "sued for discrimination." The "sued for divorce." The "sued for ethnic." The "sued for false advertisment." The "sued for false arrest." The "sued for false imprisonment." The "sued for fear of future disease." The "sued for fraud." The "sued for gender." The "sued for harassment." The "sued for hate crimes." The "sued for human rights." The "sued for identity theft." The "sued for immigration." The "sued for infliction of." The "sued for infringement of intellectual property." The "sued for intentional infliction of." The "sued for invasion of privacy." The "sued for involuntary conversion." The "sued for involuntary servitude." The "sued for intimidation." The "sued for libel." The "sued for liability." The "sued for loss of consortium." The "sued for malice." The "sued for malicious." The "sued for malpractice." The "sued for medical malpractice." The "sued for mental anguish." The "sued for misleading advertisement." The "sued for negligence." The "sued for pain and suffering." The "sued for personal injury." The "sued for political asylum." The "sued for psychological trauma." The "sued for qui tam." The "sued for racial." The "sued for racketeering." The "sued for reckless endangerment." The "sued for religious." The "sued for RICO." The "sued for rights." The "sued for sexual." The "sued for speeding ticket." The "sued for stalking." The "sued for tax evasion." The "sued for traffic accident." The "sued for trespass." The "sued for unfair debt collection practices." The "sued for unfair trade practices." The "sued for unjust enrichment." The "sued for wrongful death." The "sued for wrongful interference." The "sued for wrongful termination."
Sui Juris: The "sui juris actions." The "sui juris cases." The "sui juris case law." The "sui juris citations." The "sui juris civil law." The "sui juris civil lawsuits." The "sui juris civil legal." The "sui juris civil litigants." The "sui juris civil litigation." The "sui juris law." The "sui juris lawsuits." The "sui juris legal." The "sui juris litigants." The "sui juris litigation." The "sui juris strategies." The "sui juris tactics." The "sui juris techniques." The "sui juris tips."
Suing For: The "suing for accident." The "suing for accidental." The "suing for age." The "suing for bankruptcy." The "suing for breach of contract." The "suing for breach of fiduciary duties." The "suing for child custody." The "suing for civil rights." The "suing for conspiracy." The "suing for constitutional rights." The "suing for deceit." The "suing for deceptive advertising." The "suing for defamation." The "suing for defective product." The "suing for denial of service." The "suing for disability." The "suing for discrimination." The "suing for divorce." The "suing for ethnic." The "suing for false advertisment." The "suing for false arrest." The "suing for false imprisonment." The "suing for fear of future disease." The "suing for fraud." The "suing for gender." The "suing for harassment." The "suing for hate crimes." The "suing for human rights." The "suing for identity theft." The "suing for immigration." The "suing for infliction of." The "suing for infringement of intellectual property." The "suing for intentional infliction of." The "suing for invasion of privacy." The "suing for involuntary conversion." The "suing for involuntary servitude." The "suing for intimidation." The "suing for libel." The "suing for liability." The "suing for loss of consortium." The "suing for malice." The "suing for malicious." The "suing for malpractice." The "suing for medical malpractice." The "suing for mental anguish." The "suing for misleading advertisement." The "suing for negligence." The "suing for pain and suffering." The "suing for personal injury." The "suing for political asylum." The "suing for psychological trauma." The "suing for qui tam." The "suing for racial." The "suing for racketeering." The "suing for reckless endangerment." The "suing for religious." The "suing for RICO." The "suing for rights." The "suing for sexual." The "suing for speeding ticket." The "suing for stalking." The "suing for tax evasion." The "suing for traffic accident." The "suing for trespass." The "suing for unfair debt collection practices." The "suing for unfair trade practices." The "suing for unjust enrichment." The "suing for wrongful death." The "suing for wrongful interference." The "suing for wrongful termination."
Supreme Court : The "Supreme Court." The "supreme courts."
Tax - Title II: The "tax evasion." The "tax evasion action." The "tax evasion actions." The "tax evasion arguments." The "tax evasion case." The "tax evasion cases." The "tax evasion cause of action." The "tax evasion causes of action." The "tax evasion defenses." The "tax evasion elements of proof." The "tax evasion injury." The "tax evasion lawsuit." The "tax evasion lawsuits." The "tax evasion legal action." The "tax evasion legal actions." The "tax evasion legal research services." The "tax evasion legal theory." The "tax evasion legal theories." The "tax evasion theories." The "tax evasion tort." The "tax evasion torts." The "Title II."
Tort of: The "tort of accident." The "tort of accidental." The "tort of age." The "tort of bankruptcy." The "tort of breach of contract." The "tort of breach of fiduciary duties." The "tort of child custody." The "tort of civil rights." The "tort of conspiracy." The "tort of constitutional rights." The "tort of deceit." The "tort of deceptive advertising." The "tort of defamation." The "tort of defective product." The "tort of denial of service." The "tort of disability." The "tort of discrimination." The "tort of ethnic." The "tort of false advertisment." The "tort of false arrest." The "tort of false imprisonment." The "tort of fear of future disease." The "tort of fraud." The "tort of gender." The "tort of harassment." The "tort of hate crimes." The "tort of human rights." The "tort of identity theft." The "tort of immigration." The "tort of infliction of." The "tort of infringement of intellectual property." The "tort of intentional infliction of." The "tort of invasion of privacy." The "tort of involuntary conversion." The "tort of involuntary servitude." The "tort of intimidation." The "tort of libel." The "tort of liability." The "tort of loss of consortium." The "tort of malice." The "tort of malicious." The "tort of malpractice." The "tort of medical malpractice." The "tort of mental anguish." The "tort of misleading advertisement." The "tort of negligence." The "tort of pain and suffering." The "tort of personal injury." The "tort of political asylum." The "tort of psychological trauma." The "tort of qui tam." The "tort of racial." The "tort of racketeering." The "tort of reckless endangerment." The "tort of religious." The "tort of RICO." The "tort of rights." The "tort of sexual." The "tort of speeding accident." The "tort of stalking." The "tort of traffic accident." The "tort of trespass." The "tort of unfair debt collection practices." The "tort of unfair trade practices." The "tort of unjust enrichment." The "tort of wrongful death." The "tort of wrongful interference." The "tort of wrongful termination."
Trademark - Trebling Damages: The "trademark infringement." The "trade secret infringement." The "traffic accident lawsuits." The "traffic accidents." The "traffic offenses." The "traffic tickets." The "traffic violations." The "trebled damages." The "trebling of damages."
Trespass: The "trespass action." The "trespass actions." The "trespass arguments." The "trespass case." The "trespass cases." The "trespass cause of action." The "trespass causes of action." The "trespass defenses." The "trespass elements of proof." The "trespass injury." The "trespass lawsuit." The "trespass lawsuits." The "trespass legal action." The "trespass legal actions." The "trespass legal research services." The "trespass legal theory." The "trespass legal theories." The "trespass theories." The "trespass tort." The "trespass torts." The "torturing prisoners."
Unfair - Unpublished: The "unfair debt collection lawsuits." The "Uniform Commercial Code." The "United States Constitution." The "unjust enrichment lawsuits." The "unpublished case law decisions." The "unpublished law decisions." The "unpublished and secret law decisions."
Unfair Trade Practices: The "unfair trade practices." The "unfair trade practices action." The "unfair trade practices actions." The "unfair trade practices arguments." The "unfair trade practices case." The "unfair trade practices cases." The "unfair trade practices cause of action." The "unfair trade practices causes of action." The "unfair trade practices defenses." The "unfair trade practices elements of proof." The "unfair trade practices injury." The "unfair trade practices lawsuit." The "unfair trade practices lawsuits." The "unfair trade practices legal action." The "unfair trade practices legal actions." The "unfair trade practices legal research services." The "unfair trade practices legal theory." The "unfair trade practices legal theories." The "unfair trade practices theories." The "unfair trade practices tort." The "unfair trade practices torts."
Unjust Enrichment - U. S. Constitution: The "unjust enrichment lawsuits." The "United States Constitution." The "U.S. Constitution."
Veteran - Violate: The "veteran bigotry." The "veteran discrimination lawsuits." The "veteran harassment lawsuits." The "veteran intolerance." The "violate civil rights." The "violate constitutional rights." The "violate human rights."
What is : The "what is a lie detector test." The "what is a polygraph test." The "when to file." The "when to file a legal case." The "when to file a lawsuit." The "when to file a civil lawsuit." The "when to file lawsuits." The "when to file a legal action." The "when to file legal actions." The "when to file a pro se lawsuit." The "when to file a pro per lawsuit." The "when to file a sui juris lawsuit." The "when to get a case dismissted." The "when to get case dismissed." The "whistleblower lawsuits." The "wire fraud lawsuits." The "wire frauds."
Wrongful Death : The "wrongful death." The "wrongful death action." The "wrongful death actions." The "wrongful death arguments." The "wrongful death case." The "wrongful death cases." The "wrongful death cause of action." The "wrongful death causes of action." The "wrongful death defenses." The "wrongful death elements of proof." The "wrongful death injury." The "wrongful death lawsuit." The "wrongful death lawsuits." The "wrongful death legal action." The "wrongful death legal actions." The "wrongful death legal research services." The "wrongful death legal theory." The "wrongful death legal theories." The "wrongful death theories." The "wrongful death tort." The "wrongful death torts." The "wrongful interference lawsuits."
Wrongful Termination : The "wrongful termination action." The "wrongful termination actions." The "wrongful termination." The "wrongful termination arguments." The "wrongful termination case." The "wrongful termination cases." The "wrongful termination cause of action." The "wrongful termination causes of action." The "wrongful termination defenses." The "wrongful termination elements of proof." The "wrongful termination injury." The "wrongful termination lawsuit." The "wrongful termination lawsuits." The "wrongful termination legal action." The "wrongful termination legal actions." The "wrongful termination legal research services." The "wrongful termination legal theory." The "wrongful termination legal theories." The "wrongful termination theories." The "wrongful termination tort." The "wrongful termination torts."
Zoning: The "zoning cases." The "zoning disputes." The "zoning laws." The "zoning lawsuits." The "zoning ordinances." The "zoning regulations."
HARDWARE & SPECIAL SERVICES (for legal educational and/or entertainment purposes only)! Our exciting books and manuals are described on our Online Catalog webpage: Many of these include comprehensive circuit diagrams and functional descriptions. We designed and built here almost all of these circuits (and many, many more), and sold them as our Off-the-Shelf Hardware and Special Projects. We no longer sell functional hardware that we make. We do sell nonfunctional hardware of what we used to make - mostly electronic ( strictly as salvage: (LIMITED QUANTITIES REMAINING! - once sold there will be no more! - buy all you need as soon as possible - before they are all forever gone!), and also strictly as very realistically-looking models, mockups, replicas and novelties as SPECIAL PROJECTS: NOTE: For salvage and SP hardware, while priced very low compared to the original functional versions, we provide no guarantees, support, user manuals, schematics, batteries or refunds (Special Projects also does consulting and research services).
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